Vivace Theatre School 243 Sauchiehall St Glasgow G2 3EZ
Processes and Procedures

If you are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms - a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss, change in your sense of smell/taste - please do not come to class or enter the building. Instead you should self isolate and book a test. For more information please visit NHS Inform - Coronavirus

Reducing Traffic
To minimise the number of people in the building at any one time class start times, drop offs and pick ups have been staggered. Entry will be granted 5 minutes before class is due to start and a member of staff will meet you at the door. There will no longer be a waiting area for parents and reception will be closed, exceptions will, of course, be made for new/nervous students as required.

Face Coverings
Please wear a face covering when entering, exiting and moving around the building except where exemptions apply. Face coverings will not be required in class.

Hand Sanitiser
Please use the hand sanitiser provided when entering and exiting the building. Hand sanitiser can also be found in each studio for students. This should be used after outdoor jackets have been taken off and stored.

Avoid Promoting Contact
Please maintain appropriate social distancing when waiting to enter the building. Our activities have been carefully planned to avoid promoting contact. For example, no contact partner work, no shared props and no shared handouts.

Hand Washing
We have increased signage to raise awareness of hand washing. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.

Cleaning Regime
We have a new cleaning regime in place at Vivace. Bannisters and handles are now cleaned periodically throughout classes. Surfaces and seats are also cleaned throughout the evening and studios are cleaned before and after each class.

There is ongoing research around the impact that singing has in increasing the spread of the virus. Until there is more information, Musical Theatre classes will not include singing.

To avoid shouting and speaking loudly, music will be set to an appropriate level. We do not envisage this impacting the running or the quality of our classes in any way.

Test and Protect
Online registers will be taken for each class as normal. This information may be shared with Test and Protect if required. For new students/guests you will be required to fill in a paper form, these will be stored securely and destroyed after 21 days.